1. 鼓勵各技專校院擴大招收外籍學生,教育部修訂「大學開設境外專班申請及審查作業要點」,技專校院申請明年開設境外專班,設班地點將不限東南亞地區,招生學制包含:二年制、四年以上學士班、碩士班等,9月30號以前受理各技專校院提出開班申請。
To encourage the local vocational colleges and universities to recruit foreign students, the Ministry of Education has made amendment on issues in relation to local universities or colleges initiating classes outside Taiwan. In 2012, when the local vocational schools have academic programs outside Taiwan, those programs should not be limited in the Asian-Pacific region only. The time span for students to study in those programs can be two or four years of Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programs and so on. The deadline of application for the proposed programs from the local schools is at the end of Sep. this year.
2. 教育部研擬「加強輔導國中小教學正常化實施要點」草案,未來晨光時間、下課及午休時間不得考小考,也不能要求學生統一買參考書或測驗卷,家庭作業也不能寫參考書或測驗卷,將要求各縣市依法落實行政督導。
The Ministry of Education has drafted consulting plans on the more appropriate methodologies used in the local elementary schools and junior high schools. In the future, during the morning hours, break and the lunch break, there should be no quizzes. Besides, students should not be requested to purchase the so-called ‘reference books’ in which more detailed information regarding the textbooks is listed. Nor should they be requested to purchase the test sheets. Moreover, students should not be requested to write those reference books or test sheets as homework. The Ministry of Education intends to request all the local government offices to monitor the school authorities in terms of these newly-announced regulations.
3. 配合教育部十二年國教草案,臺北市教育局宣布將「試辦先行」,透過研究新的課程設計,協助國中七年級的評量測驗。不過,有學校認為,高中還是要升大學,所以減低學生課業壓力,和發展多元課程的理想,還需要時間。
To go hand in hand with the Ministry of Education’s 12-year compulsory education plan, the Dept. of Education, Taipei City Government announced a project so that the plan can begin immediately on a trial basis. The Dept. of Education’s ideal is to go through new curriculum design and assist the seventh-graders’ test evaluation. However, some school authorities deem that since the university entrance exam still exists, it will take time to decrease students’ academic burdens and to develop multi-dimensional curriculum.
4. 兒福聯盟進行「2011台灣學童吃冰調查」,發現一杯中杯思樂冰,熱量等同兩碗白飯,巧克力雪糕的脂肪含量,比薯條還高,建議家長最好讓孩子一週吃冰1到2次即可,空腹或運動後都不宜吃冰。
The Child Welfare League Foundation has conducted a survey regarding the ice consumed by the local pupils. According to the investigation, the calories in a思樂冰, or the iced soft drink sold in the local convenience stores, would be the equivalent of two bowls of rice. As for the chocolate ice lollipops, the calories inside can be higher than those in the French fries. Parents are advised to let their children consume ice only once or twice a week. When children have not eaten anything, they are advised not to digest the ice first.
5. 新竹教育大學推動新竹玻璃工藝產業化,新竹市長許明財將邀請玻璃業界、學校等單位,共同研議成立「玻璃藝術人才培育與設計研發中心」,並整合富禮國中、香山高中及新竹教育大學藝術設計系所玻璃技藝教學,透過技職教育推甄,留住在地人才。
National Hsinchu University of Education has promoted the glass artifact to be more industrialized and to be produced in the region. Due to these, Hsinchu City Mayor Hsu has invited people from the glass industry, school authorities and so on to establish a development center for the training of the designing of glass artistry personnel. A joint effort collaborated by Fu-Li Junior High School, Hsian Hsan High School, and the glass artistry education from the Dept. of Art and Design in the National Hsinchu University of Education will keep the local talents in the region through vocational training and the university recruitment application system.
(2011-08-16 15:59:26 洪秋玉)